Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jim Stephens: What does husband and wife unity look like?

As I explained in my Resignation Letter from HSA-UWC ( back in Sept., 2015, my wife and I spent 9 months agonizing over what was happening in our church, what about Hyung Jin Nim’s “Breaking the Silence” (, what was the truth, why was there so much unease in my heart, on and on.

That was a lot of time and energy to spend on this and I don’t see many others doing it. But I wanted to know to my own satisfaction what the truth is. Sure, lots of bombs (quotes) are being thrown, but I don’t really find my answers in “proof-texts”, too many different interpretations. But I think you do have to do the research.

I believe if you ask God and ask True Father to come to you to guide you, they will do it. But that doesn’t seem to be working since so many people on both “sides” say they are doing that and getting different answers instead of all getting the same answer.

It’s fascinating to me to try to understand why people believe what they believe. There must be some reason beyond just the intellectual arguments going back and forth.

Anyway, let me add some thoughts to the discussion that I don’t see in many places.

What does husband and wife unity look like?

My wife, Hiromi, and I have a wonderful relationship and I’ve testified to it for a long time. Let’s imagine that I were to die and then let’s roll the tape of the future for a while. What would you experience from her when you meet her after that?

  • I think you would still feel the energy from her that the two of us had in our united relationship previously. She would still talk about me all the time and our relationship, things I believed, things I liked, and things I would do. That’s what I see happens among other loving couples.

Some say Mother is doing this. I just don’t feel it or hear it at all in here speeches.

  • My wife would continue to respect and honor me as she did when I was alive.
  • Would she take down my pictures and the pictures of us together? Not a chance.
Do you know that Mother has taken down True Father’s pictures and True Parents pictures in the palace? ( )

  • Would my wife not talk about me anymore? I doubt it.
Check out Mother’s speeches for the last couple of years. What mention is there of Father? What do you feel about her affection for Father and his memory? I don’t feel it at all.

  • Suppose I had written a huge book that contained my life’s work which I had proofread numerous times and proclaimed the book as “finished and completed” and had it printed. Would my wife then make many changes and “improvements” to my book starting when I was still on my deathbed? Within months my book had completely disappeared and can’t be bought. Would she give a new book the same name as my book, thus replacing my book? Would she claim that it was “better” and “had to be improved”? Even if someone wanted to buy my original book, they can’t because they have all been destroyed.
I seriously doubt my wife would change any book I wrote, much less replace it completely. She says she wouldn’t. She can never imagine saying she “improved” it. That’s rather insulting.

I seriously doubt Father told Mother from the spirit world to make the changes. When he was still alive, he stressed repeatedly not to change it.

Once the pattern is set that someone can change it, then the next person who comes along can change it also.

  • Imagine my wife and I had built and run a business together for years. Then when we got old, we had together proclaimed on many occasions for several years that the business would be fully inherited to our son. Would my wife then suddenly kick him out within weeks after I died? Isn’t that fishy?

My wife says she would want to support our son so he could be successful, not push him out and try to run the operation herself at an advanced age.

  • Would my wife go around claiming that the business was all about her own accomplishment and not mention my role in building the business, even saying she never learned anything from me?

My wife says she would never insult me like that. Saying she never learned anything from me is ridiculous. What kind of person says such a thing about their spouse? That’s your normal, every- day spouse. How could you say that about the Messiah?

  • If our children got married, would my wife give them a wedding ring with only her signature engraved on the inside and not mine too?

That is unbelievable. My wife would never even think of leaving me out on such a significant and symbolic ring.

  • Would a devoted wife want to build up her husband’s legacy or diminish it?
My wife and I cannot believe that Hak Ja Han’s actions are those of a devoted wife because she is not lifting up True Father. She seems to be all about lifting herself up.

We discussed these types of things for months in the process of making our decision to leave FFWPU. If Mother is not going to follow Father, then we are not going to follow her.

Open your eyes. No wife who loves her husband, treats his memory like this.

Hak Ja Han’s husband was the Messiah, the Christ, and the Second Coming. Now she is saying she is the Christ. She is not lifting him up. She is lifting herself up.

This is a disaster. Jesus is turning over in his grave. 2,000 years of Christians in the spirit world are never going to lend their support to this. This is a witnessing nightmare to proclaim the Second Coming of Christ is a woman. Father discovered the Divine Principle, not Mother. FFWPU will go down in flames as a cult trying to teach she is the Messiah. If you want there to be total confusion in the minds of members, this is it.

I believe that Hyung Jin Nim is working hard to understand the Christian foundation that True Father came on and therefore to better understand Father and inherit his heart and his foundation. In the process he will be able to gather up the Christian spirit world in America. True Father and Jesus are totally united in spirit world. Their power will be manifest in many ways that we cannot now recognize.
I have heard many people who continue to believe and insist that things are the way that they IMAGINE them to be or the way that they THINK they should be. Pretty silly if you ask me rather than taking the word of people who were eye witnesses. That’s living in denial.

It’s sad, but it’s not new that people keep on believing what they want to believe regardless of evidence. Look at history. Look at politics. We can’t all be onto the real truth.

You may think I’m deluding myself about what the truth is, but I took nine months to try to figure it out, going through a very painful process. I’m satisfied that I got my answer. I don’t like it. It’s tremendously sad that Mother has betrayed Father. But I can’t do anything about that except to accept it and go forward.

Don’t follow me or my way, follow your way. But please be darned sure you are following True Father, Jesus, and God. And be prepared as always “to give up your life in order to gain your life.”

Sincerely, Jim Stephens


Some References to check out for yourself:

True Father, before he died, clearly anointed Hyung Jin Nim as his heir in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Father also appointed Hyung Jin Nim’s son as the next successor. I think Father clearly knew what he was doing at the time.

Hyung Jin Nim Inauguration Ceremony April, 13, 2008
“Thinking of this beautiful young man and woman standing here, representing Korea, the world, and furthermore the cosmos, they are the ones whom you can take pride in. They will become the pillars of our house in the future. It is my hope and wish that the dutiful way of filial children, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters will be fulfilled in relation to them. With that hope and wish, I, as a parent, am looking upon them with a heart full of anticipation that surpasses yours. So I fervently and earnestly hope that you will offer your support so that such intentions can be quickly fulfilled. Aju.”

Father proclaims no one surpasses Hyung Jin Nim and he will be the one center. April 18, 2008

3 Inauguration Ceremonies on 2 continents, January 30, 2009

Declaration about Heretic and Destroyer, June 5, 2010
“Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction. The above content is True Parents' proclamation."

Within five months after Father died, Mother had fired Hyung Jin Nim from all his positions. Why? Are we to believe that Father in spirit world realized he had made a mistake? And just how did Father communicate this to Mother? Was it through the now discredited Hyo Nam Kim (aka Hoon Mo Nim)?

Hyung Jin Nim’s resignation letter from USA President, February 24, 2013 (

Was it because Hyung Jin Nim refused to obey Mother and unite with her beliefs which he thought were against True Father?

For the last two years of Father’s life, Hyung Jin Nim spent most of the time by his side. Don’t you think he knew what was going on in “the palace”?

Mother believes she was born sinless but Father was not.
"The process of changing the lineage occurred while I was in my mother’s womb. This is something you have to believe…The moment when True Father succeeded Jesus’ mission, when Jesus appeared to him this qualified True Father as God’s only begotten son. Do you understand? This is something you have to know." True Mother's speech "A Time to be United, Inside and Out", July 1, 2014.

She believes the Han lineage is the chosen lineage, not the Moon lineage.
“This means that Heaven has been guiding providential history for six thousand years through the Han (Korean) race.” True Mother's speech "A Time to be United, Inside and Out", July 1, 2014.

She believes 2,000 years of Christianity was for her coming, not True Father’s.
The two-thousand-year history was one of searching for the only begotten daughter of God. Christians today call us heretics, but perhaps they are the heretics and cult. True Mother's speech "A Time to be United, Inside and Out", July 1, 2014. Talks/HakJaHanMoon-14/HakJaHan-140701a.pdf

Claimed 4 more times in this speech. True Mother’s Message: “Cheongpyeong Autumn Great Works” (10/24/2015)

She believes Father did not educate her.
"Nobody educated me. God's only begotten son and God's only begotten daughter are equal." True Mother's Address at Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace. Oct. 27, 2014.

"You cannot say that God's only begotten son educated God's only begotten daughter." True Mother's Address at Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace. Oct. 27, 2014.

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