Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jerry Heying: The Mission of the True Parents was successful and is intact!

I shared this earlier but was asked to repost it.
There are some that question that if TM failed, does that mean TF also failed, and the answer is a resounding NO! The mission of the True Parents was completely accomplished and was successful.
Let me explain: True Father came as the returning Christ, the returning Messiah, the Lord of the Second Advent, and took a bride to become True Parents. TF along with his bride successfully walked a course of restoration and accomplished what needed to be accomplished and then passed on their full authority and blessing to TF's heir, who will carry the providence forward as official representatives of True Parents. When TF ascended, that left TM by herself just as TM only, and the designated couple of HgJN and YAN now move forward together as the representative couple. TM is now essentially like the queen mother. As TM alone, she is basically retired.
So the success and position of True Parents is intact and has shifted to the heirs couple as representatives. TM does not represent TP by herself.
Let me repeat that, TM does not represent TP by herself.
The position of True Parents is spiritual and has been passed on to HgJN's couple. The providence has shifted to them. It is unfortunate that TM did not want to let go and has tried to hold on to the position that has been already passed on (by her when TP together anointed the heir).
The failure of TM to not let go of her position is actually post succession. The success of True Parents position is intact as it was already passed on to the next generation to HgJN's couple. To be clear, there will only be one True Parents, and HgJN's couple are "representatives" standing in the position as representative couple.
Regarding the claim that TM is the new messiah, she cannot be the messiah by herself. TF was the returning messiah who took a wife and became True Parents together, but that doesn't make TM a messiah by herself.
From CSG: You have no idea how much I have invested for the sake of the world. How much blood and how many tears do you think I have shed? How much sweat? And how much do you think I have sighed deeply? I did not do this in order to eat well or obtain worldly success, but so that I could liberate the earthly world, heavenly world, and God. There has never been someone like this in all of history – only myself. There has been no one except the True Parents. This is not just a concept, but is my personal background.(1990.12.27).
Notice the emphasis TF made on himself.
TF was the messiah and he himself with his bride were the True Parents. Don't confuse the fact that TF was the returning lord and somehow his bride is somehow now the messiah by herself.
Once again, the success of the True Parents position is intact and has been passed on to the heir. So TF was absolutely successful and whatever TM does now does not diminish the success that was completed and offered to heaven. What she is doing now will only affect herself.

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