Saturday, January 23, 2016

Announcement: The Panzer-Fefferman Debate

Announcement: The Panzer-Fefferman Debate will be appearing at the below link beginning at 1:00 p.m. EST on Saturday, January 30. This eagerly anticipated exchange on key theological issues of the FFWPU/SC schism features SC-USA President Dr. Richard Panzer representing the SC point of view, is a graduate of Yale, UTS, and NYU; and church elder and Bible scholar Dan Fefferman who describes himself as "pro-TM," is a graduate of Berkeley and UTS. The event will be moderated by Stephen Henkin, UTS, Class of 1980.
When you attend the the online debate, note that you can register your comments in the left-hand "visitors posts" column, The debate itself will be appearing in the right-hand column. Please get the word out about this debate; we'd like to have as broad an audience as possible. Finally, we would like to thank both Richard and Dan for participating in the debate and having the courage and strength of conviction to so publicly put their beliefs and faith on the line.
The Panzer-Fefferman Debate's photo.
The Panzer-Fefferman Debate

  Posted in FB by Stephen Henkin

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