Sunday, January 31, 2016

Kerry Willliams: Hyung Jin Moon and Hak Ja Han - Which one is united with Father?

January 26, 2016

Response to “Sanctuary Church Schismatics” by Michael Mickler
by Kerry Williams

Dear Michael,
It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in the faculty dining room at UTS with President David S.C. Kim during one of his many breakfast meetings with us core staff members. I miss those times with our dear Grandpa Kim.
I believe we can agree there is a lot at stake right now. Both Sanctuary Church and FFWPU claim they are the true inheritors of Reverend Moon’s messianic mission.
It is patently clear only one organization can legitimately possess that title. Although this present struggle is taking place with just a tiny fraction of the world’s population,
I believe the decisions we make on this issue will have cosmic reverberations for generations to come.
Before I am accused of being under the spell of yet another charismatic leader, let me say that it has been a lengthy process to come to my own conclusions regarding the issues you address in your essay “Sanctuary Church Schismatics.” I have spent over two years studying, discussing, and praying about this tragic situation. Ongoing debates with FFWPU members remind me of Christians who focus only on the Bible passages which support their point of view. If ever there was a time to deeply research a topic while holding one’s biases in abeyance, it is now. In this time of judgment we are all being pressed by Heaven to make a decision where we stand.
There are two people at the core of this controversy: Hyung Jin Moon and Hak Ja Han. Which one is united with Father? This is the question that must be correctly answered to truly understand the heartbreaking division between them. Good objective historians
focus on gathering information whenever possible from primary sources, recognizing that only primary sources provide unfiltered access to the past events they are studying.
I doubt you will gain a personal audience with Hak Ja Han. But I am frankly perplexed that you have not provided firsthand accounts of the opinions and actions of Pastor Moon. It is not hard at all to gain an audience with him. He usually spends hours every Sunday after service, conversing with anyone who sits down with him at the lunch table.
In addition, you are within easy driving distance from Sanctuary Church.
Common sense tells us that by looking at multiple perspectives, we are in a better position to discern factoid from fact. I have listened to every sermon given by Pastor Moon since he began his ministry in Pennsylvania, and also listened to every available speech of
Hak Ja Han and her supporters since the passing of Reverend Moon. I have talked at great length with many people on both sides of this issue, including those who represent primary and secondary sources. And I also continue to study the scriptures with
a renewed thirst for the living word of God.

There is ample evidence in your essay that you have not maintained an objective attitude in making your observations. For example, your choice of the word “poaching” to describe Sanctuary Church outreach is unsubstantiated and slanderous.  While this objection
may appear petty, the implication of unethical conduct is not a small matter. Where is the proof of dishonorable behavior in witnessing? I will gladly share our “recruitment” strategies: Hyung Jin unapologetically testifies to Jesus and the returning Christ week after week with complete sincerity, and is giving everyone who listens the freedom to choose whether or not they wish to support him. He is proudly preserving the words and traditions of our Father. Sanctuary Church members have created a website and church Facebook page which contain important information. Some members have decided to start their own Facebook pages. We meet and fellowship together in Christ-centered small groups. Please tell me which of those actions constitutes poaching.
Using phrases such as “a wilderness mentality took hold” (after moving to Pennsylvania) to describe our pastor’s frame of mind suggests that he has a weak intellect which is easily dominated by his environment. Definitions of “wilderness mentality” range from disordered thinking to wrong mindset. Where is your evidence there is anything wrong with his mindset? Father warned against such condescending attitudes as yours when he said:
My youngest son Hyungjin wanted to get a doctorate from Harvard and in the process he learned to read books in eight languages.
So don’t look down on him. He truly invested himself in his  studies. When his older brother Youngjin passed away, Hyungjin determined to accomplish the  things that  his brother  had  intended to accomplish. Over the course of seven years he did all sorts of things, even at the risk of his life in order to fulfill this  goal. (Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage, p. 37).
Could your demeaning characterization come from the fact that you simply don’t like or agree with what he is saying?
In your brief essay there are a number of other errors/biases such as:
  • Portraying the origin of the schism simply as Hyung Jin “refusing the request of his mother, Hak Ja Han Moon.” You neglect to mention that after Father’s passing, Mother gathered the Korean leaders together and instructed them to change the church by-laws so that Hyung Jin could be fired. Which they did.1 He was then told by Mother to go
to America and not come back to Korea for three years. Three months later he was unceremoniously relieved of his duties as President of the American church.2
It was then that he “relocated to Pennsylvania.”
  • Presenting the Sanctuary Church definition of God as a “wholly patriarchal deity.” This is inaccurate. To believe that God is in the masculine subject position to humankind is not to deny that God possesses feminine characteristics.

  1. Conversation with Tim Elder, September 2014. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Winter 2014.
  2. “Yeonah Nim: The Unknown Story–Part 2 Interview.” Video interview published on November 6, 2015 viewable  at

  • The over-simplified depiction of Bridegroom theology.  Your portrayal is external and lacks heart.3 I recommend you study and pray over Pastor Moon’s sermons “The Bride of Christ” (5/3/15)  and “Putting on Christ” (5/10/15)  to place his    words in their appropriate context.  I will not argue that it would indeed have been    preferable if every woman could have directly received the sinless seed of God from his only-begotten  son.   What woman in her  right mind wants the tainted seed    of the archangel? A more accurate portrayal would have striven to echo the sentiment expressed by the returning Messiah when he   said:
You must center on Father more than on any other man in this world. You would see the reality of this if you could look through the spirit world. Unification Church women who are not like that are far away from being true members. I am in the position of father, older brother and, in a spiritual sense, bridegroom to you. (Blessing and Ideal Family, p. 483)
  • Reframing Hyung Jin’s obedience to Father’s direction “not to touch his words” as textual literalism (it smacks of ivory tower condescension).
  • Doubting the authenticity of the Messiah’s investiture of his successor, heir and physical representative on earth4 by placing the word “crowning” in quotes.
  • Neglecting to state that it is True Parents, not Sanctuary Church, who first proclaimed that Hyung Jin Moon has inherited “the authority of the True Parents on earth.”5
But the fatal flaw in your paper lies in the fact that you have failed to identify the source  of the schism. Without properly naming the root cause of the separation between Mother and True Father’s representative and heir, your observations will be skewed. The painful truth is that the division occurred when Mother divorced Father in her heart.  I  cannot say exactly when it happened. Both Hyung Jin and Kook Jin have shared that they were

  1. “Hyung Jin Moon teaches that it would have been best if Father Moon, as Messiah and King of Kings,   had taken ‘all the women of this world and be their spouse and to have children from every single one.’ This is the ‘quickest way’ to kill off Satan’s lineage.’”  “Sanctuary Church Schismatics” Michael Mickler, December 14,  2015.
  2. “There will always be a physical representative of the True Father here on earth, from one generation to another; there will be that axis on which the earth will turn. Therefore, all of you here on earth and all the people in the generations to come will be centered upon the same axis.”
God’s Will and the World (p. 649) SMM   (6/5/83)
“No matter how young or youthful the heir is, he is the one who will supervise and control. Likewise, when the inheritance is passed on, it does not matter who is better or worse. When Father hands down this authority in the future, even if that heir is crippled, people must receive the Blessing from that person. That time will come.”
Blessing and Ideal Family (p. 258) Chapter 4–The Process of the Blessing: Selection of the Spouse (Who  Determines  the Spouse).
In the “June 5, 2010 Declaration and Will” Father wrote (with his own hand): “The command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction.” SMM (6/5/10)
  1. “Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah Lee (Hak Ja Han also states, “Yeonah Lee” three times), these two, this son and daughter, a couple, are standing before the True Parents. At this time of transition today, this occasion is one where they can inherit the authority as the representatives and heirs who can attend to everything on behalf of True Parents.” (True Father’s prayer at the “Inauguration” Ceremony of Hyung Jin Moon) (4/18/08)

blindsided by her unexpected betrayal.6 Because of her perfidy, Hyung Jin had no choice but to separate from her in order to remain faithful to Father.  As the instituted heir
and the anointed physical representative of True Father, he has the great and terrible responsibility of ensuring that the footprints of the messianic lineage continue moving in the right direction.
Whether or not you align yourself ideologically with FFWPU, your work and the work  of your colleagues are being used as fodder for the forces opposing Sanctuary Church. The neutral atmosphere of academia has evaporated and history is demanding that you too take a side (Dietrich Bonhoeffer comes to mind). And so, in all sincerity, I ask you to
objectively research and explain as best you can the answers to the questions listed below. If Mother is united with Father:
  • Why would Father say to Do Hee Park (124 Couples Blessing) “It seems like I married the wrong person” in 1988? 7
  • Why did Mother say numerous times that Father was from a fallen lineage?” 8
  • Why did she say to Father in a private suite at the Sheraton Hotel in Washington, D.C. that if not for her, he would have had “more babies from more bellies?” 9
  • Why did Father hold the Cheon Seong Gyeong in one hand, waving it in the air, and say to Mother, True Children and leaders, “Who will you follow? The Cheon Seong Gyeong or Mother?” 10
  • Why did Father threaten to divorce Mother in Las Vegas?11

  1. “Yeonah Nim: The Unknown Story–Part 2 Interview.” Statements made by Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, December 3, 2015.
  2. Interview with Do Hee Park, January 10, 2016. Rev. Park said that when he was Seattle District leader,  he visited Korea in 1988 to give an inspiring report to True Parents of spiritual revival that was taking place in his district. When he went to True Parents living area to speak with them, only Father came out to see
him. Father expressed gratitude for the donation that Rev. Park had prepared for True Parents. Mother never appeared to greet Rev. Park. Do Hee Park recalls Father saying to him “It seems like I married the wrong person.” Rev. Park remembers Father said this to him two times.
  1. Conversation with Kook Jin Moon, Summer 2014. “Yeonah Nim: The Unknown Story–Part 2 Interview.”
Interview with Yeonah Moon, January 10, 2016. Yeonah remembers Mother saying that Father came from
a fallen lineage in 2011 at the Cheon Bok Gung with key staff present. She also recalls Mother saying the same thing at a meeting with herself, Hyung Jin, and Hyo Nam Kim. Hyung Jin tried to reason with her, explaining that if what she said were true, then Central Blessed Families, Mother’s own suffering, and the True Family itself would have no  meaning.
  1. Interview with Hyung Jin and Yeonah Moon, January 10, 2016. Hyung Jin heard Mother say to Father,  “I’ve been so faithful–I have shut up about your secrets. If it weren’t for me, you would have more babies from more bellies.”
  2. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Spring 2014. Hyung Jin heard Father say this in both Las Vegas and CheongPyeong.   Conversation with Kook Jin Moon, Spring  2014.
  3. Interview with Hyung Jin and Yeonah Moon, January 10, 2016. Hyung Jin heard Father say to Mother,
“I’m going to divorce you.” Mother responded sarcastically, saying “That would be great–the members are really going to like that!”   Her attitude was  defiant.

  • Why did she go “house hunting” in Las Vegas with one of her personal aides to look for a new home for  herself?12
  • Why did Mother say to Hyung Jin as well as her grandchildren that Father was making her life “so difficult” in the last several years of his life? Was he unjustly punishing her?13
  • Why did Father not mention Mother at all in his last prayer on earth?14
  • Why did Mother meet with Young Whi Kim and Seok Byung Kim in a hotel across the street from St. Mary’s hospital (the hospital Father was in when he ascended) in Seoul  to begin redacting the Cheon Seong Gyeong while Father was lying in his hospital bed close to death? 15
  • In the hospital, why did Mother and Hyo Nam Kim want to pull life support on Father while he was still conscious? 16 Who should decide when the Messiah transitions to spirit world?
  • Why did she scream at Hyung Jin “I have absolute power! I am Hananim!” on the day of Father’s Seung Hwa?17
  • Why did Mother tell Kook Jin in the first week after Father passed that she was the Messiah? Why did she get upset with him when he responded that Father was the Messiah, not her? 18
  • Why did she get angry at anyone who made positive comments about Father after he passed? 19
  • Why did she change virtually all of the traditions Father said not to change? 20

  1. Interview with Yeonah Moon, January 10, 2016. Yeonah added that Mother and her aide looked at several houses.
  2. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Spring 2014. Conversation with Kook Jin Moon, Summer 2014. “Yeonah Nim: The Unknown Story–Part 2  Interview.”
  3. In order to surmount everything that came to be connected to Adam’s portion of responsibility following the error committed by his betrothed...I have completed everything.” SMM (8/13/12)
  4. Interview with Kook Jin Moon, January 10, 2016. Interview with Hyung Jin Moon, January 17, 2016.
  5. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Summer 2014. Hyung Jin shared that one reason Mother wanted to stop life support was because she didn’t like the way the tube in his mouth was making his teeth crooked, and she wanted him to look nice for the Seung Hwa. Conversation with Kook Jin Moon, Summer 2014. “Yeonah Nim: The Unknown Story–Part 2 Interview.”
  6. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Summer 2014. In an email from Yeonah Nim Moon received September 22, 2015: “She yelled loud enough for everyone on the third floor of the palace to hear.”
  7. Interview with Kook Jin Moon, January 10,  2016.
  8. Conversation with Tim Elder, September 2014. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, October 2014. Conversation with Kook Jin Moon, October 2014.
  9. Traditions changed by Hak Ja Han after Father’s ascension: Name of God, Family Pledge, Cheon Il Guk National Anthem, Blessing Vows, Date of beginning of Cheon Il Guk, Royal   Seat.

  • Why did she redact, edit, and delete portions of the Eight Great Textbooks he said many times not to touch? 21
  • Why has she gotten rid of the couple that Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han transferred their authority to in the “Inauguration” Ceremony of Hyung Jin Moon” in 2008? 22
  • Why has she gotten rid of the couple that Father “transferred and passed on the Blessing of the True Parents” in three crowning ceremonies on two different  continents
in 2009? 23
  • Why has she gotten rid of the person Father declared in 2010 as his representative and inheritor, writing in his own hand that anyone else claiming that position was a heretic and destroyer? 24
  • Why has Mother praised Hyo Nam Kim as her victorious mother “Daemonim,” but remained largely silent in regards to lifting up Father? 25
  • Why does she glorify the Han lineage 26 even though Father strictly instructed her not to do so?27

  1. The Eight Great Textbooks have been replaced with the “Three Holy Scriptures of Cheon Il Guk.” Tim Elder reported in an interview with him on January 10, 2016 that when Korean Sanctuary Church President Lee went to the publisher of the original Cheon Seong Gyeong to purchase the remaining inventory, he was told it had been destroyed.
  2. At Hoon Dook Hae, two days before the “Inauguration” Ceremony of Hyung Jin Moon took place, Father stated: “Today, at this time, there must only be one line of authority. The center, centered on Korea or on the world, over the entire Unification Church will stretch out and become larger. From now, I can leave someone in charge of my work on my behalf. Currently, there is no one among our church members who surpasses Hyung Jin in his standard of faith or in any other way. Do you understand? I am appointing him.” (4/16/08)
In the “Inauguration” Ceremony of Hyung Jin Moon on April 18, 2008, Father prayed: “True Parents know that it will not be easy for these two, this son and daughter, to teach the authority that they inherit and hold
on behalf of True Parents.” (4/18/08)
  1. In the Ceremony for “The Great Coronation of the Authority of Liberation of God, the King of Kings” on January 15, 2009 in Korea and January 31, 2009 in both Korea and U.S. Father prayed: “In the context of the Coronation Ceremony for the Establishment of the Sabbath Realm of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity, (I report to Hananim that) I transfer and pass on the Blessing of the True Parents (to this couple). Aju.
  2. In the “June 5, 2010 Declaration and Will” Father wrote (with his own hand): “The command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction.” SMM (6/5/10)
  3. “Do not speak poorly about the spiritual work at CheongPyeong. This falls under Dae Mo Nim’s special authority. This is the family of the only begotten daughter of God, whom God raised after a long process of sanctification and selection. That is why other people cannot do what Dae Mo Nim does. Only Dae Mo Nim can do it. Hence, do not speak poorly about Hoon Mo [Hyo Nam Kim], as Dae Mo Nim is working through Hoon Mo.” HJH (7/1/14)
  4. “This means that Heaven has been guiding providential history for six thousand years through the Han (Korean) race. Why does the word “han” appear in Daehanminguk (Korea)? In providential history, the Han dynasty is the owner of Asia. They are the race from the East, the Korean race. God chose this race and raised them.” HJH (7/1/14)
  5. Father’s words on January 19, 2012: “Do not brag about Anju (Mother’s hometown) and the family name Han. If you do that you don’t become True Mother.” The original source for this footnote is a Korean church member who remains anonymous. This quote originally appeared on the Korean website: Hyung Jin and Kook Jin were both present at Hoon Dook Hae with Father and Mother on January 19, 2012 and separately confirmed the accuracy of the anonymous Korean member’s notes from the Hoon Dook Hae.
Why did she have the 2013 Blessing rings inscribed with only her name?
  • Why has Mother said that she learned nothing from Father,28 contradicting his claim that she was raised up directly under his tutelage?29
  • Why did she say that her lineage was purified in the womb, but Father’s lineage did not become sinless until he met Jesus at age 15?  30
  • Why is she directly contradicting Father’s belief that she came from a fallen lineage?31
  • Why did she say that she was the fruit of all Christian and Korean history, proclaiming herself as the Lord of the Second Advent? 32
  • Why did she say to Japanese members that “blessed families have been made through me” with no mention of Father?33
  • Why did Gil Ja Sa Eu (36 Blessed couple) say, “Father embraced Hyung Jin nim, but Mother was different. Mother said, ‘No,’” on her recent speaking tour? Isn’t Mrs. Eu admitting that Father  and Mother  weren’t   one?34
Many of Father’s words to and about Mother were not recorded. During the last few years of his life, iPeaceTV replaced the Historical Compilation Committee in being responsible for the recording and transcribing of Father’s speeches. Members of this media group headed by Mr. Chun (who was under Seok Byung Kim) traveled everywhere with Father and Mother. Hyung Jin and Yeonah have shared that during Hoon Dook Hae in both Korea and Las Vegas, they saw Mother signal to the camera operator on a number
of occasions to turn the camera off when Father began correcting or criticizing her

Both commented that they heard Father speak in this manner to Mother many times.
28.“Nobody educated me.…You cannot say God’s only begotten son educated God’s only begotten daughter.” HJH (10/27/14).  “Yeonah Nim: The Unknown Story–Part 2   Interview.”
29. “The first seven years after the Holy Wedding Ceremony were the period to raise up Mother with heavenly education. During this period, Father continually prayed for this, day and night.” SMM (Blessed Family and Ideal Kingdom, p. 549)
  1. “The process of changing the lineage occurred while I was in my mother’s womb. This is something you have to believe.…The moment when True Father succeeded Jesus’ mission, when Jesus appeared to him this qualified True Father as God’s only begotten son.” HJH (7/1/15)
  2. “Mother also must have Absolute faith, Absolute love, Absolute obedience. It is not centered on self. Absolute faith, Absolute love, Absolute obedience to Father. Therefore if Mother, who is present here, has her own thoughts and builds her own nest it will become a big problem. Rev. Moon will not be tangled up in that. But if that inevitably happens I will jump over that. I’ll build mountain again. Now we entered the Completion Era and if Mother does not fulfill her responsibility, there are plenty of candidates.” SMM (10/15/99)
“With this standard I was born and came this way to save Mother.” SMM (11/11/00)
”Before Christ came, woman was laboring as the archangel’s wife. But when the Christ comes, the archangel will lose his bride to him.” (Blessing Family and the Ideal Kingdom, p.  481)
“Mother came from the lineage of the fallen archangel.” SMM    (10/1/03)
  1. “The Korean peninsula was to await the birth of the only begotten daughter, the Lord of the Second Advent.” HJH (10/24/15)
33.“You are blessed people. There are 7 billion people in the world, but how is it that you met me. Blessed families have been made through me. Right?” HJH (12/6/15)
  1. Speech given by Gil Ja Sa Eu December 9, 2015, in Minneapolis,   Minnesota.
(which was often). After a while, however, Mother no longer had to give any signal–as soon as Father started chastising her, the red recording light disappeared. Hyung Jin
and Yeonah also said they never saw Father order the cameras turned off. They believed it was his intention that all of his words to Mother be recorded for everyone to hear.35
The embers of heresy that were smoldering in Mother’s heart during the last decade of Father’s life have erupted into a roaring blaze after his ascension. When Mother told Father (while he was still alive) that he came from a fallen lineage, his jaw dropped in disbelief.36 How do you think he would respond to the news of her recent declaration that she alone is the returning Messiah?
It appears that FFWPU brothers and sisters no longer believe that True Father is the eternal center of True Parents. Do they not understand that Hak Ja Han is able to stand as True Mother only as long as she orbits Father in their relationship? True Parents are only True Parents if the bride of the Messiah is united with her bridegroom. Father made it quite clear that all men, not just the Messiah, stand in subject position to their wives:
In this world man stands in the position of king. King is subject. Woman is not subject, no matter how proud a position she possesses, the object cannot control the subject. (4/18/96)
Father praised Mother’s greatness as coming from “obeying my directions completely.” (1/1/97) What a tragic contrast to these words spoken by Father on January 19, 2012:
Mother is going her own way like a Dokkaebi (demon). She is not walking the same road as Father…You villains (True Children, executive aides and church leaders [mentioned by name]) are following Mother and walking a different path than me. Villains! Anyone  who follows  Mother  and thinks he doesn’t  need Father  is  a rootless Dokkaebi…Only Heavenly Father is with lonely Father… For Mother to say, “Don’t listen to Father, listen to me” is more frightening than Lucifer…I am all alone now. I don’t have any sons or daughters. Mother plays her own game…When Hyo Jin   was alive he said to me, “Father, I feel sorry for you. Why is Mother not listening you, and doing her own thing?” 37

  1. Interview with Hyung Jin and Yeonah Moon, January 10, 2016. Tim Elder shared in an interview with him on January 10, 2016 that he had an experience of Mother interfering with Father’s communication to his audience. During the summer of 2011, Tim was translating for Father at a speech given to several thousand
people at the Aria Hotel in Las Vegas. In the middle of Father’s speech, Tim received instruction from Mother’s intermediary that “when Father mentions members of the True Family, don’t translate.”
  1. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Winter 2013. Hyung Jin heard Mother say this to Father by the fireplace in one of their rooms in the palace.
  2. The original source for this footnote is a Korean church member who remains anonymous. This quote originally appeared on the Korean website: Hyung Jin and Kook Jin were both present at Hoon Dook Hae with Father and Mother on January 19, 2012 and separately confirmed the accuracy of this quote on January 10, 2016.  Both commented that they heard Father speak in this manner to   Mother
many times.

Understanding that Mother’s role was to be the head of the brides of Christ is not an archaic Christian concept.  It was the linchpin of True Parents’ relationship.
Your colleagues ignore incontrovertible evidence of her many transgressions and are sticking to their “one note samba” that True Parents are totally united, therefore anything Mother says or does is with Father’s approval. In my book this is faulty reasoning posing as filial piety.
I understand that it is very painful for most FFWPU members to accept the fact that Mother never achieved perfection. Father’s words on May, 11, 2007 make it clear: “Mother must achieve perfection by June 16, 2013.” Further proof lies in Father’s abrupt cancellation of the “Perfection Stage” Blessing the day before it was supposed to take place in January 2012 on Father’s 92nd birthday, even though Mother and Hyo Nam Kim were pushing him to have it conducted. The implications of his actions were painfully obvious to everyone connected with planning the event.38
Father subsequently stated in Hoon Dook Hae sessions in March 2012:
“The God of Night and the God of Day couldn’t have the wedding ceremony yet.” (3/4/12)
“God wasn’t finished with His creation. Individual perfection of the creation wasn’t done yet. The perfection of a couple wasn’t done yet. These must be done.”  (3/26/12)
Those in denial feed their fantasies with words of praise Father spoke to her and about her on many occasions throughout the years. He was deeply grateful to Mother for the suffering she endured while gaining many victories for heaven. But “gaining victories” does not necessarily signify being in the direct dominion of God. Being victorious means you’ve won something. Because of Mother’s unchanging faith in Father for seven years after their Blessing, for example, he could claim the victory for God’s Day to be established. By successfully persevering through her incredibly difficult seven year indemnity course, she made the necessary condition allowing Father to launch the worldwide providence.
This was indeed a great accomplishment, and it was followed by decades of fidelity to her bridegroom. Father deeply loved Mother and hoped that she would not betray him after he passed. Her final test was to believe in and follow his words after he ascended. To completely restore the Eve position with no trace of the Fall, Mother had to deny her archangelic lineage by submitting to God’s word given through True Adam.
But instead she repeated Eve’s mistake by desecrating God’s words through her butchering of the Eight Great Textbooks. The details of this apostasy have been well documented and will not be discussed here. What matters is that FFWPU is no longer using the texts that Father approved and blessed. It is worth examining a brief summary of Father’s words
on this topic:

  1. Conversation with Hyung Jin Moon, Fall 2015. Conversation with Kook Jin Moon, Fall 2015. Interview with Tim Elder, January 10, 2016. Tim emphasized how truly shocked everyone connected with planning the “Perfection Stage” Blessing was to hear the news of its sudden cancellation.

I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes. They are: The Sermons of the
Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong, The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Families: Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.39
The reason why we are having this time is because [I’m worried that I] might leave behind affirmations that could be criticized after I leave to Spirit World. We have to make it very clear.
The word Cheon Seong Gyeong is a very dreadful word.
Any person, a third person, regardless of how great they may be, even if they have several Nobel prizes under their belt, nobody can touch [or change] the Cheon Seong Gyeong. That’s why new denominations will not arise.
(447-187, 2004. 11. 26)
If someone reads even one syllable incorrectly during Hoon Dok Hae, I correct them. The denomination should not arise in the Unification Church because we leave behind this kind of mistake. If you’ve read it five times, then don’t criticize it and don’t touch it!
Sun Jo Hwang, do you understand?! “Yes.” Just because you are the head of the History Compilation Committee and even if you were to memorize all the records of all the historical events, you still don’t have the authority to modify [the content]. Until I look at it and explain it, then there’s a reason why I’m leaving it the
way it is.
(477-187, 2004. 11. 26)
I’m saying that you should not touch the Cheon Seong Gyeong with regards to its contents. I’m telling you not to touch it, even if you have to explain the historical context by making a separate book. (479-132, 2004. 12. 3)

  1. Father gave this same message and speech on numerous public occasions.
  1. July 24, 2010, Manhattan Center, New York, NY Name of event: “Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind”
  2. April 24, 2011, Convensia, Songdo in Inchon, Korea, with 12,000 in audience attending.
  3. January 12-15, 2012, in Korea. Name of these events and proclamations in Korea: “Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong has to be kept for tens of thousands of years for your descendants. If Christianity had the Bible which Jesus left, would they have sectarian fights? Because of this (Cheon Seong Gyeong), you cannot have sectarian fights. (4/19/2005)
Also, I don’t want anyone newly changing [or editing] anything among the things I wrote. They don’t know why the content is the way it is. If they change the content without knowing, then they will be judged by everyone when they go to the other world.
They will be charged for it. That’s why nobody should touch it without [my] permission.
(493-287, 2005. 4. 26)
What does it mean that I’m attending Hoon Dok Hae? It means that I discovered these words, I recorded them, and I edit them.
I read this thousands of times, but it took 3 years just to make these Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong (Peace Messages). When explaining the laws established in the constitution, the world can change if you make a mistake in even one word.
(574-97, 2007. 8. 30)
You stupid idiots (Korean: ba-bo)! What does a “stupid idiot” mean? We see them and have to deal with them. We have to move beyond that. There’s no other way. It is with that content that I spoke of
the Cheon Seong Gyeong or the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong (Peace Messages); they don’t contain any of my personal feelings. That’s why I’m telling you not to mix in any other words into it. If I said “shit” then it’s “shit,” if I said “fist” then it should read “fist.” I will be the one to untangle that. I will say, “they couldn’t change it around carelessly because it’s the most precious thing.” It is accomplished with these words. It’s very simple.
(596-57, 2008. 8. 17)
Now it is all finished. There is nothing left to touch    [change].
I immediately know if someone changes even one   syllable
[in the text] because I read those textbooks several hundred times. You must memorize it all.40
Please take care of these Eight Great Textbooks more than me at this time because I am living in those textbooks. I am in the Word.41

  1. “North-South Unification Seen from the Perspective of God’s Providence” Hoon Dok Hae (Chapter 3, Paragraph 3-6)
  2. In his speech “Meaning of the Eight Great Textbooks,” given at the European Leaders’ Assembly (August 19-24, 2012), Professor Oh told the audience that Father had asked everyone to take care of the Eight Great Textbooks more than himself.
I will conclude my letter with the most important question of all:
“Who is Reverend Sun Myung  Moon?”
I, for one, believe with all of my heart, mind, and soul that he is the long-awaited Messiah. A man with the same essence as Jesus of Nazareth who lived 2000 years ago.
We must never forget that Sun Myung Moon was the only person in all of human history who uncovered the secrets of heaven conveyed in the Divine Principle and his subsequent teachings. Hak Ja Han simply played no part in discovering these precious truths long-held in the heart of God. Thus she has no authority to change any of it.
How valuable is it to have a precise record of the actual words spoken and endorsed by the returning Christ? I think neither you nor I truly comprehend the value of the Eight Great Textbooks contained within the Cheon Bok Ark.42
But I understand enough to know that nobody should touch it. And, thank God, so does Pastor Hyung Jin Moon.
I pray you will think on these things I have written.

Sincerely, Kerry Williams

  1. The Cheon Bok Ark is the distinctive name Father gave to the Eight Great Textbooks. It was officially bequeathed by Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han to the world church at a special 120 Day Workshop in 2010. They first bequeathed the Cheon Bok Ark to their successors, Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah Lee Moon, at the “Inauguration” Ceremony of Hyung Jin Moon on April 18, 2008. Father stated at the ceremony: “Therefore, True Parents would like to convey everything but the first thing that we would like to convey is the Word,

the historical Word, the Word that True Parents loved, the Word that God desired, which is given   through  True Parents.” Father visually demonstrated the centrality of the Word by placing the Cheon Bok Ark in between their two couples, an act which symbolized that even True Parents are in the object position to the word of God. Father used the 120 Day Training to expand the bequeathing of the Word to the world, by giving the Cheon Bok Ark to church leaders from around the globe. The workshop symbolized the “safe arrival” of the Cheon Bok Ark to all churches and homes.