Friday, March 4, 2016

Kerry Williams: Responding to Libby Henkin

Libby Henkin writes:
From what I discern, Sanctuary Church members follow True Father in name only. The seed of your religion is not True Father.
My Response:
We follow Father by doing what he says. The FFWPU is in rebellion, and Father's spirit has left them. We are obedient to the directions of the true King of Heaven and Earth. We do not attempt to change his perfect word as the Han Mother has done. He gave us his physical seed through leaving us his physical son who is his anointed heir.
Libby Henkin writes:
True Father teaches unity and unification. Asking people to divide and argue is unprincipled. True Father does not say “it’s me or them”. Why do you believe someone who tells you that when you know better? True Father created something that transcends all other truths, and he lovingly absorbs them. Even when people join Father from other churches, Father does not tell them to “choose” between himself and their previous church and does not send them out to “debate” but rather to love people into willing submission. He embraces all faiths. Father is not about expanding himself at the expense of others. Father teaches unity of the family, nation, and world, and sacrificing himself and his church for others. SC is not about any of that. He is about being a unified family. That is the movement I joined.
My Response:
Before we can unite with God we must separate from Satan. We separate from Satan by loving Father the most. If you love your Father, you obey him. It's not complicated. FFWPU has replaced the 8 Great Textbooks with 3 heretical texts which were created in direct defiance of Father's directions. Don't waste your time by writing that the 8 Great Textbooks are still available. They are being eradicated by FFWPU and you know it. Father said:
"Also, I don’t want anyone newly changing [or editing] anything among the things I wrote. They don’t know why the content is the way it is. If they change the content without knowing, then they will be judged by everyone when they go to the other world. They will be charged for it."
If you remain in FFWPU you are guilty as charged, Libby.
Libby Henkin writes:
There is no good Father over evil Mother, dividing the original First couple, with whom God invested 6,000 years and got victory from 1960 onward. Father recognized True Mother time after time through the years. We cannot swipe all that away and put someone else on high. If True Parents are no longer united in True Love, it was not true love. That denies that True Parents ever existed.
My Response:
We did not divide the original first couple. Mother abandoned Father.
You are living in a fantasy world to believe they are still united. The fact that Mother betrayed Father does not negate the victories she achieved which enabled all us to receive the Holy Blessing. Gaining victories does not mean being in the direct dominion of God. I repeat- the fact that Father recognized Mother over and over does not mean she achieved perfection. Why would Father have threatened to divorce her? Why did she tell him he came from a fallen lineage? These are not signs of a harmonious couple.
Libby Henkin writes:
This is not a time for division. Advancement and progress does not come through struggle, as communism teaches. True Father called us to unification. Otherwise all hope of reaching a world of peace will be lost.
Jon Quinn, who is perhaps the most purely honest person on this site, is saying honestly what Hyung Jin nim says and does, and I get an image of a ringleader that is goading a gang to attack and fi ght and call names.
Where in you are the teachings True Father instilled in you? It is not True Father’s books that are his legacy but True Family and we ourselves, his Word made flesh. We should not be like many Christians, captive to the words on a page rather than being the love Father instilled in us. It’s utter nonsense to say True Father’s words are more valuable than unity and brotherhood among us.
Even if I thought True Mother were wayward, and I do not, I would rather have no affiliation than join a church that is all about anger, attacking, and disunification, and praising a human.
My Response:
Thank God Father's teachings are instilled in me. If unity is not centered on God then it is not true unity. The religious life begins when we recognize that both good and evil exist within us, and make effort to separate from the evil. Then and only then can we truly unite with God. That's Principle 101, Libby Henkin.
If we do not unite centered on Christ then who are we centered on?
I praise no one but Christ. He died for my sins. True Father did not just go to the cross once for me, he went over and over and over so that I could be free. The best thing I can do with my life is to follow him.
I will not keep responding to all of your posts, as my time is best spent working on longer essays which enable me to testify to Hyung Jin nim's ministry on a deeper level. But as an American sister I cannot let yours be the only voice on this page for the sake of history. I want future generations to know that there were American sisters who did not betray the Lord of the Second Advent.

1 comment:

  1. hilarious ladies.
    Like Borges said about the Falklands crisis, two bald men fighting over a comb.
    You should get Ben Lorentzen to pay child support. If you cared about the Living God and living humans you would be dealing with reality instead of clinging to this leftover husk of a religion.
    love you both.
    see you on the other side
